Wifey of a Roadie

Wifey of a Roadie
Going GaGa at the Perth Airport

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh No She Didn't! Oh Yes I Did!!!!!!

When I was working as a newspaper reporter for a large daily in Virginia there was one question that I hardly ever asked,
 "is it okay to publish this?"

It is the obligation of a reporter to tell the facts, regardless of what people may think. Apparently, as the wife of a roadie the rules are different.

My husband and I just had a heated debate over what I can and cannot write about in this blog. This, honestly, is a little exasperating to me having still the hard heart of a hard-nosed reporter. 

We spent nearly an hour going back and forth as to why I shouldn't and why I should. He's currently letting out his aggressions on his electric guitar and, well, you can guess what I'm doing to let off steam. 

I had accused him of defending this certain person. He asked me how I would feel if someone was writing about my business.

"Well, I don't know what they would be writing about," I retorted. "I'm certainly not as stupid as this little girl." I wanted to add, sarcastically, that I guess I am now a superstar blogger with a life so jam-packed with juicy tidbits to gossip about that people are writing about me left and right. Excuse me while I answer this phone call from TMZ. Is that paparazzi I see just outside our window?

My argument was simple: I believe that if one chooses to be in the limelight then one also chooses to be under the microscope and, therefore, is accountable for one's actions.

So if a nincompoop pop star decides to get inebriated one night and (minus the details here out of respect for my husband) gets rushed to the hospital, then they should expect to suffer the consequences - even if it is a little write up in a little blog by little ole me who simply wants to say: 

"Listen you little imp. Grow up. You have no idea how good you have it and neither do you have any sense of responsibility. Just because someone comes around and says 'I'm going to make you a star!' does not give you the license to idiotically drink yourself into a stupor. My husband may have very well saved your life this time but he won't always be there to do so. Even worse, one day you just may have someone like me managing you and I can't guarantee that I'll just as graciously call 911 when I find you marinating in your own throw up. So how's this for some advice. If you can't hold your liquor then don't drink. Isn't that a smart idea? If you don't understand this, go back and read it aloud to yourself slowly until you do." 

Believe it or not, I am a sympathetic person but I am not as sympathetic to people who don't respect themselves. Sadly, most pop stars have no respect both for themselves and other people. They live life without shame and then expect us "other people" to cover up their crap.

Oops, I did it again (to put it in pop-star lingo). I just did one more thing that I never did as a journalist. I gave my opinion. Well, if I must now be censored, then at least I can publicize my own opinions, right?

Wifey of a Roadie - Out (with a head roll and a snap!)


  1. This definitely one of my favorite new blogs! Keep writing and sharing your hilariously truthful opinions :D

    LOL- I absolutely love your closing

  2. Good thing your hubby is a patient person...to have to deal with those things he should be requesting hazard pay!

  3. I love your writing style, but what I am loving more is your respect for your husband's wishes. You did a nice expose on this pop star--we get it--and you kept your dignity too. We get enough trash on TMZ, you kept it dignified. And hey, it's your blog, you can have an opinion and share it too.

  4. I can totally see you doing the head roll and snap.. but you forgot to add head roll and snap in the form of a Z. hahahaha.
