Wifey of a Roadie

Wifey of a Roadie
Going GaGa at the Perth Airport

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Allow Me to Introduce Myself...


Hello World,

I’ve been debating for some time now (more like two years) about starting a blog about my life or, shall I say, my situation. Today is the day I’m giving in. Today is the day I’ve decided to give all of you glimpses into the life of a wife of a roadie. Most of you have already guessed by the title of this blog that I am indeed married to a roadie.

My husband probably prefers sound engineer or tour manager or whatever politically correct title he’s been assigned for his jobs but the undeniable truth is that he is a roadie. Simply put, he travels the world with various recording artists, some very famous and some not so famous. In fact, I write this in our West Los Angeles apartment as I wait for him to return from doing a few gigs in Miami and New York.

He’s currently working as a tour manager for a pop artist who goes by the name of Erika Jayne. Maybe you’ve heard of her. Maybe you haven’t. Okay, okay, more than likely you haven’t unless you live in Europe where, from what I hear, she’s pretty well known. Anyways, more to come about all of that, but for now let’s get introductions out of the way. So, once again, I say hello.

I’ll write about the crazy adventures my husband and I have had since he started his career. Other times, I’ll write about what the both of us currently are up to. I’ll also tell you what I do to bide my time while my husband is gone and sometimes I’ll write about what I do when I occasionally hit the road with him. Don’t be surprised if I suddenly post something that I wrote a year or two ago. Like I said, I’ve only today decided to go public.

Although, I’m not exactly sure why I want to do this. Maybe it’s because I have the time. Maybe it’s because I need an outlet. Being a wife of a roadie isn’t easy (more to come about this too).

Hopefully, you’ll rant and rave and cry and laugh and applaud and boo with me. I can’t tell you though how regularly I’ll blog. The feeling has to be right and sometimes I’m just not feeling it. Don’t I sound like a diva? Thank goodness my husband is already used to dealing with divas at work. Otherwise, I don’t think this marriage would have lasted as long as it has. By the way, it will be 10 years on June 15th. Rock on!

Wifey of A Roadie – Out!





  1. Good to see you in your blog.
    Keep me updated your recent news.
    And let me know you and your husband visit in Korea.
    Take care,
    Inje from Korea

  2. Interesting blog, I'm a musician in LA and I'll be sure to check in often.

  3. looking forward to more and exciting events in your life as a wife of a roadie!!

  4. Nice picture! I'm sure you weren't thinking this when you took it, but it's like you're giving a "yup, that's my guy for better or for worse"-look.

  5. Well, I am totally inspired! I think I'll start my own Blog. Maybe I'll call it, "Friends of Wifey of a Roadie" or maybe even "Fans of Agent M". We still gotta work out our collaboration debut. Have your people talk to my people. Let's do lunch!

  6. Very interesting, I don't have much time but this is a good way of getting updated with a friend even at wee hours in the morning without getting in touch. I am sure it will be worthwhile reading your blog. Srphuie as usual lived at to her email name, "you're funny"! I will read your blog too! Just let us know!

  7. I want more! I move for daily blog posts!

  8. Yes, you do sound like a diva--because you are! lol.. Look forward to following you on this blog, cuzzo. Take me along for the ride!

  9. I got the benefits of reading all the old blogs ! My fave one is about when Road Wifie goes out for Sushi in her jammies! I can't wait for some new ones! I am going to have my own blog ,too ! It will be called "The Sister and Daughter of a Family Who Blogs"

  10. Update!! Update!! We want more!!

  11. Your experiences and roadtrips, etc makes my life look like the Waltons.... :) I'll check back now n then for new episodes!!!!You know who this is..... :)
